Measurement of distance by the maximum frequency of the interference signal with harmonic deviation of the wavelength of the self-mixing laser
Skripal An.V. 1, Добдин C.Ю.1, Inkin M.G. 1, Dzhafarov A.V. 1
1Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia

A method is proposed for measuring absolute distances from the low-frequency spectrum of the interference signal of a frequency-modulated laser diode. The method of modulation of the self-mixing laser signal according to the harmonic law is used, in the spectrum of which a wide range of frequency components is observed. The connection between the maximum frequency of change of the interference signal and the absolute distance to the reflector is shown. A linear dependence of the frequency corresponding to the inflection region of the decay envelope of the interference signal spectrum on the distance is shown, which can be used to implement a non-contact distance measurement method with harmonic modulation of the self-mixing laser supply current. Keywords: laser interferometry, self-mixing laser, semiconductor laser, laser radiation modulation, distance measurement, signal spectral analysis.
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