Investigation of primary nanocracks of atomically smooth metals
Yurov V. M. 1, Goncharenko V. I. 2, Oleshko V. S. 2
1Karaganda Technical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
2Moscow Aviation Institute National Research University, Moscow, Russia

A new analytical model for calculating the characteristics of primary cracks that appear in atomically smooth metals is proposed. A technique has been developed for calculating the length of nanocracks in atomically smooth metals based on the study of the physical properties of crystals. For the first time, the parameters of primary cracks were calculated using the example of atomically smooth metals. The results obtained on the basis of the developed method are compared with the results of applying known models of nanocrack formation. It is shown that our results are consistent with previously known results. Keywords: surface, surface energy, surface layer, nanostructure, melting point, atomic volume, atomically smooth crystal.
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