Electron-photon interactions in the conditions of dimensional conductivity restrictions in semiconductor single quantum-size particles in interelectrodic nanogap
Zhukov N. D.1, Gavrikov M. V.1,2, Rokakh A. G.2
1OOO NPP “Volga”, Saratov, Russia
2Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia
Email: ndzhukov@rambler.ru

For quantum-size particles of the InSb, PbS, HgSe, CdSe semiconductors, a model of competition of dimensional quantum restrictions and blocking with a single-electron current and Coulomb restriction, as well as heating electrons with an electric field of the light wave, is proposed. This made it possible to explain the highly multiplicity (up to two orders of order) of a change in photoconductivity observed in conditions of tunnel conductivity, and in the conditions of the confinement - the absence of inter-zone and inter-level photoconductivity. The resonant current peaks of quantum conductivity observed on the V-I characteristics when irritating with light of any wavelength (in the interval of 0.4-1.2 μm) are reset or shifted towards smaller voltage values. The energy minimum of quanta recorded in this case is estimated as 100 meV. The results can be useful in resolving issues of application in uncooled IR detectors, including single-photon registration. Keywords: Quantum-size particle, dimensional quantification, one-electron current, single-photon process, inter-zone and intra-zone transitions, tunnel conductivity, Coulomb restriction, quantum conductivity.
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