A method for reconstructing models of heat and mass transfer from the spatio-temporal distribution of parameters
Bykov N. Y. 1,2, Hvatov A. 2, Kalyuzhnaya A. 2, Boukhanovsky A. V. 2
1Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia
2ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: nbykov2006@yandex.ru, alex_hvatov@itmo.ru, anna.kalyuzhnaya@itmo.ru, avbukhanovskii@itmo.ru

An algorithm of the generative design method for reconstruction of heat transfer models from the available data is proposed. The method is applied to generate a partial differential equation describing the process of heating and evaporation of a metal, the surface of which is heated by laser radiation. The high efficiency of the method was demonstrated for the purpose of reconstructing the correct structure of the equation, indicating additional processes accompanying heating as phase transitions, and also for determining the values of the temperature-dependent coefficients of the derivatives. Keywords: Generative design method, data-driven model, laser heating, heat conduction equation.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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