Effect of substrate misorientation on the properties of p-HEMT GaAs-based nanoheterostructures formed during MOCVD epitaxy
Boldyrevskyi P. B. 1, Filatov D.O. 1, Belyakov V. A.1, Gorshkov A. P.1, Makartsev I. V.1, Nezhdanov A. V.1, Revin M. V.1, Filatov A. D.1, Junin P. A. 1,2
1Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Email: bpavel2@rambler.ru, dmitry_filatov@inbox.ru, dragon_bel@mail.ru, gorshkovap@mail.ru, ilya0296@gmail.com, nezhdanov@phys.unn.ru, revinmaxim@gmail.com, sasha.filatov.2017@bk.ru, yunin@ipmras.ru

As one of the approaches to improve p-HEMT, we studied the effect of misorientation of GaAs substrates on the surface morphology, structure, and electrical properties of pseudomorphic heterostructures, as well as the parameters of transistors based on them. In a single technological cycle, heterostructures were formed on vicinal substrates with (100) orientation and misoriented by 2o to (110) by the method of MOCVD (MOCVD) in a single technological cycle. It has been established that on misoriented substrates, the growth of structurally consistent and stressed epitaxial layers occurs according to a layered-step mechanism with the formation of macrosteps. On vicinal substrates, the formation of monatomic growth steps was observed. The comparative characteristics of p-HEMT obtained using two types of substrates are considered. Keywords: GaAs/InGaAs/GaAlAs heterostructures, MOCVD epitaxy, p-HEMT, substrate misorientation, comparative characteristics of structures and p-HEMT based on them.

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