Measuring the effect of gravitational frequency shift doubling using a hydrogen clock-based quantum level
Fateev V. F.1, Smirnov F. R.1, Rybakov E. A.1
1All-Russian Research Institute of Physical-Technical and Radiotechnical Measurements, Mendeleevo, Moscow oblast, Russia
The effect of gravitational frequency shift doubling in a system of stationary and transported hydrogen quantum clocks in the Earth's gravitational field has been measured for the first time with an instability of 1·10-15. The clocks were separated in height by 34 m and connected by a radio channel based on optical fiber. The measured relative doubled "redshift" effect at this altitude was Delta fGR/fref=(-7.73± 1.61)· 10-15. Keywords: time dilation gravitational effect, gravitational frequency shift, quantum hydrogen clock.
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