The energy of the surface discharge in the electrode system of parallel stripes
Lazukin A.V. 1, Nikitin A.M.1, Romanov G.A.1
1National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow, Russia

The results of an experimental study of the dependence of the energy of a surface barrier discharge on the value of the supply sinusoidal voltage with a frequency of 4 and 20 kHz in the electrode system of parallel stripes with a distance between them of 5 and 30 mm are presented. At a distance of 5 mm between the strips, there is a self-limited surface discharge in the electrode system. Self-limiting of the discharge leads to the fact that with an increase in the applied voltage, the energy invested in the electrode system increases more slowly than in the case when the discharge exists without restrictions. The energy of a self-limited discharge is 15-40% lower than the energy of a discharge that exists without restriction. Keywords: surface discharge, energy, volt-coulomb characteristic, self-limited discharge.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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