Dynamics of a localized ring nonlinear wave in a carbon nanotube
Glukhova O. E. 1,2, Chetverikov A. P. 1, Shunaev V. V. 1
1Institute of Physics, Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia
2Institute of Bionic Technologies and Engineering, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow Russia
Email: graphene@yandex.ru, chetverikovap@info.sgu.ru, vshunaev@list.ru

The propagation of nonlinear localized soliton-like super-acoustic longitudinal waves in a carbon nanotube was explored by the molecular dynamics modeling. Ring waves were excited by pulsed action on all the atoms of the edge zigzag layer and they got an initial velocity along the axis of the nanotube. It was shown that the velocity of a localized (soliton-like) ring super-acoustic wave increased with an increase in the initial velocity of the edge atoms. The calculated dependence of the propagating wave velocity on the initial velocity of the edge atoms was given. Keywords: carbon nanotube, ring nonlinear waves, molecular dynamics.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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