The influence of carbon black content on temperature dependences of electrical conductivity of polymer composite
Zyuzin A. M. 1, Karpeev A. A. 1, Yantsen N. V. 1
1Ogarev Mordovian State University, Saransk, Russia

It was found that in the region of the percolation threshold, depending on the dominance of one or another conduction mechanism, the temperature dependence of the specific volume resistivity rho(T) of the polymer composite based on a matrix of ethylene vinyl acetate is significantly transformed. With an increase in the CB content, there is a decrease by several orders of magnitude in the maximum value of the relative resistivity rho(T)max/rho20 in its temperature dependence. Peroxide crosslinking of matrix macromolecules leads to a change in the nature of the temperature dependence of resistivity. Keywords: polymer composites, carbon black, electrical conductivity, temperature dependence.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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