Enhancing the High-lift Properties of a Supercritical Wing by Means of a Modulated Pulse Jet Actuator
Abdolahipour S.1, Mani M.2, Shams Taleghani A.1
1Aerospace Research Institute, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Tehran, Iran
2Department of Aerospace Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Email: Arash.taleghani@gmail.com

In this experimental investigation, a pulse flow control system on a high-lift device of a wing with a NASA SC(2)-0714 airfoil within the Reynolds number range of the take-off and landing phases, is proposed. In this study, an innovative method of signal modulation has been used in order to simultaneously exploit the benefits of both low and high excitation frequencies in one actuator driving signal that are known to be effective in separation control. It is observed that the lift and drag coefficients are improved due to the use of modulated pulse jets compared to the simple pulse jet. Keywords: Flow Control, High-lift configuration, Pulsed jet, Burst modulation, aerodynamic efficiency
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