Analysis of supercavities formed in water by a group of strikers during high-speed motion
Ishenko A. N.1, Burkin V. V.1, Diachkovskii A. S.1, Chupashev A. V.1, Sammel A. Yu.1, Rogaev K. S.1, Sidorov A. D.1
1Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia

The analysis of supercavities formed during the high-speed motion in water of two closely spaced supercavitating strikers is performed. By comparing geometric characteristics of supercavities, the possibility of qualitative assessment of influence degree of closely spaced strikers on each other is shown. By the example of two strikers, the characteristic distance between them was determined, at which the minimum mutual influence of the strikers on each other is observed. Keywords: supercavity, group throwing, cavity sizes, high-speed video recording, mutual influence
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