The distribution function of the electrical strength of a dielectric layer with randomly located air inclusions
Virchenko Yu. P. 1,2, Tevolde A. M.1,2
1Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia
2Belgorod State Technology University named after V.G. Shukhov, Belgorod, Russia
A layer of a solid-state polymer dielectric with inclusions randomly located in it with low density, when they have random sizes, is under consideration. The electrical strength of the inclusions is less than the electrical strength of the material. If layer thickness is sufficiently small due to random distribution of inclusions, the electrical strength is heterogeneous along the surface of the sample and takes random values in its various parts. Based on the previously constructed macroscopic statistical model of the electrical breakdown development in the described physical situation, the presence of an additional maximum of the distribution density of the specified random variable is established. Keywords: dielectric, electrical breakdown voltage, inclusion density, unimodality, electrical strength
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