Influence of humic acids on voltage generation in plant bioelectrochemical system
Gasieva Z.A. 1, Galushko A.S. 1, Homyakov Y.V. 1, Panova G.G. 1, Kuleshova T. E. 1
1Agrophysical Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The possibility of increasing the electrogenic properties of the root environment through the use of potential electron carriers - humic acids (HA) was investigated. In the experiment with lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) variety Typhoon, it was determined that increasing the concentration of HA in the root environment by 2 times resulted in increase the voltage by 7-16% from the control variant, depending on the place of their addition. The best result - more stable and higher generation of potential difference already from the early periods of the plant incubation, was observed in the variant with addition of HA to the area of the upper electrode - the average voltage value was 418 pm 29 mV and the specific power was 0.2 mW/m2. A number of physicochemical parameters of near-electrode areas in plant bioelectrochemical systems have been studied: electrical conductivity, pH, HA concentration at the end of the plant incubation. The potential electroactivity of microorganisms in the root environment of lettuce was revealed. It has been shown that the ability of HA to play the role of a redox mediator in a bioelectrochemical system largely depended on the location of their concentration. Keywords: plant-microbial fuel cell, redox-mediator, root environment, electrode region.
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