Properties of bioelectrochemical systems based on electrogenic processes in the root environment of lettuce during their scaling
Kuleshova T. E.
1, Ezerina E.M.
1, Vertebny V. V.
1, Khomyakov Yu. V.
1, Panova G. G.
11Agrophysical Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
The work is devoted to the study of the bioelectrochemical systems (BES) properties when they are scaled by connecting in series. The lettuce variety Typhoon was chosen as the plant object, and the cultivation technology was panoponics. The resulting average voltage of one cell was 102 mV, three and twenty series-connected 197 mV and 1782 mV, respectively, which is 36% and 13% lower than the expected values. Analysis of the potential difference created in each cell in a chain of several series-connected BES showed significant unevenness between the indicators and even the presence of negative polarity. A decrease in the total power when creating batteries from BES has been noted by many researchers and is associated with the heterogeneity of the elements included in the circuit and the presence of reverse voltages. The most effective way to increase the power characteristics of BES is to accumulate the resulting bioenergy using ionistors. Keywords: plant-microbial fuel cell, series connection, green energy, panoponics, ionistors.
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