Wavelet analysis of turbulence of frequency-modulated heart rate signal
Bozhokin S.V.1, Riabokon A.A.1, Shokhin T.D.1
1Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: bsvjob@mail.ru

The method of wavelet analysis of frequency-modulated signal, in which heart contractions occur at true moments of time, separated by different cardiointervals, is used to analyze the turbulence of the heart rhythm. The local frequency is calculated when there are strong inhomogeneities in the heart rhythm associated with extrasystoles - ectopic heart contractions. The behavior of the local frequency is analyzed in the entire continuous time interval, taking into account both the extrasystoles themselves and the compensatory pauses of the heart following the extrasystoles. Keywords: continuous wavelet transform, heart rate turbulence, local frequency, extrasystoles.
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