3D printing of topological composites by photopolymerization from submicron piezoceramics
Arshad T.1, Dubinin O.1, Shishkovsky I. 1,2
1Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia
2Lebedev Physical Institute, Samara Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Samara, Russia
Email: Touseef.Arshad@skoltech.ru, O.Dubinin@skoltech.ru, shiv@fian.smr.ru

A new scalable approach to the design and 3D printing of green part topological composites from lead titanate zirconate powder (PZT) or barium titanate (BaTiO3) for the manufacture of low-density piezoelectric products for medical or hydrological applications has been implemented. Ceramic polymer suspensions with a content from 13% to 50% vol of piezoceramics of submicron sizes were prepared and their printing regimes were optimized. The densities of 3D green parts solid sound (0-3) and lattice (1-3), (3-3) 3D samples were determined by the Archimedes method. Keywords: hierarchical lattice structures, lead titanate zirconate, barium titanate, UV vat polymerization, digital light processing (DLP)
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