Increasing the efficiency of converting the energy of a high-voltage pulse into the energy of a microwave pulse of a nonlinear transmission line in a scheme with its reuse for exciting high-frequency oscillations
Konev V. Yu. 1, Priputnev P. V.1, Sobyanin R. K. 1, Romanchenko I. V.1, Vykhodtsev P.V. 1
1Institute of High Current Electronics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia

A method has been implemented for generating two microwave-radiation pulses by using saturated-ferrite-based nonlinear transmission lines (NLTLs) sequentially excited by a single high-voltage pulse. Using the energy of a single video pulse to excite oscillations in two NLTLs allows increasing up to twice the efficiency of converting its energy into energy of high-frequency oscillations. This generation technique can provide emission of a sequence of microwave pulses with repetition rate of tens of MHz. Keywords: nonlinear transmission lines, microwave pulse sequence, high efficiency, high pulse repetition rate.
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