Gas flow structure during submillimeter the arc discharge motion in transverse magnetic field
Yadrenkin M.A.
1, Gromyko Y.V.
1, Fomichev V.P.
1, Fomichev I.A.
11Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
The paper presents the results of experimental studies of the structure of the near-wall flow arising when the plasma of a submillimeter arc discharge moves in magnetic field in stationary gas near the surface. Due to high accuracy of the process synchronization, we succeeded in obtaining the flow-velocity vector fields by using the adaptive PIV method with averaging them over a series of images. The main stages of the flow evolution at different magnetic field magnitudes are demonstrated for the first time; those stages are characterized by a stable dynamics of the homogeneous jet transformation into a complex vortex structure. Keywords: arc discharge in magnetic field, magnetohydrodynamic flow, visualization of unsteady pulse processes.
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