Frenkel-Kontorova solitons in the registration of small physical fields
Shulgin V. A.1
1Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia

The results of an experiment on excitation of solitons of a coherent acoustic field in a liquid resonator and registration of the response of this field to the vector action of the Coriolis forces are presented. The result of the experiment is to determine the direction to the geographic pole of the Earth. In the process of research, a number of regularities in the dynamics of the acoustic field of solitons corresponding to the Frenkel-Kontorova model were revealed. Keywords: Coriolis acceleration, Frenkel-Kontorova solitons, geocompass, acoustics.
  1. V.A. Shul'gin, Sposob navigatsii po vektoru sil Koriolisa Zemli i ustroistvo dlya ego osushchestvleniya, RF Patent No. 2775858 (December 2, 2020), Byull. Izobret., No. 20 (2022) (in Russian)
  2. V.A. Shulgin, Tech. Phys. Lett., 48 (6), 14 (2022). DOI: 10.21883/TPL.2022.06.53575.19209
  3. N.B. Brandt, V.A. Kul'bachinskii, Kvazichastitsy v fizike kondensirovannogo sostoyaniya (Fizmatlit, M., 2007), pp. 534--546 (in Russian)
  4. V.A. Shulgin, Ultrasound and temperature study of non-equilibrium phase transitions in surface-bound liquid layers, arXiv:1203.2333. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.1203.2333
  5. A.P. Markeev, Teoreticheskaya mekhanika (CheRo, M., 1999), pp. 71--76 (in Russian)

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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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