FIDA diagnostic modeling using FIDASIM for observation of fast-ion distribution function during neutral injection in the TUMAN-3M tokamak
Shuvalova L. K.1, Abdullina G. I.1, Askinazi L. G.1, Belokurov A. A.1, Zhubr N. A.1, Kiselev E. O.1, Kornev V. A.1, Lebedev S. V.1, Razumenko D. V.1, Smirnov A. I.1, Tukachinsky A. S.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The software package was created to generate a complete set of input parameters for modeling in the FIDASIM code with using codes ASTRA/NUBEAM. This code may allow to interpret the measured spectra obtained during experiments with Fast-Ion D-Alpha diagnostics (FIDA), and to isolate the useful FIDA signal from excess radiation. A qualitative comparison of the synthetic and calculated spectra was made, based on the modeling results. The comparison showed similarity in the short-wavelength part of the signal, which may confirm the presence of FIDA radiation in the experimental spectrum. Keywords: Fast ions, Fast-Ion D-Alpha Diagnostics, Neutral Injection.
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