The effect of transformation of a square-shaped linear zone during its migration through a \100\ silicon wafer
Seredin B.M. 1, Popov V.P. 1, Malibashev A.V. 1
1Platov State Polytechnic University, Novocherkassk, Rostov oblast, Russia

The effect of transformation of a linear zone in the form of a square with the < 110> oriented sides during thermal migration through a 100 silicon wafer has been revealed experimentally. The effect manifests itself in synchronous convergence of the square sides and formation of a closed pyramid-shaped epitaxial channel. Such a transformation of the zone is explained by the asymmetry of the liquid zone dissolution front with respect to the temperature gradient and by specific features of the dissolution and crystallization processes in the linear zone bends in the square corners. Keywords: thermomigration, temperature gradient, silicon, anisotropy.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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