Oscillation processes during acoustic wave propagation in monolayer phosphorene
Shepelev I.A. 1,2, Kolesnikov I.D.2, Dmitriev S.V.3
1Almetyevsk state oil institute, Almetyevsk, Tatarstan, Russia
2Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia
3Institute of Molecule and Crystal Physics, Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russia
Email: igor_sar@li.ru, kole200@yandex.ru, dmitriev.sergey.v@gmail.com

Acoustic waves can arise in crystals as a result of slow continuous longitudinal compression and are an effective way to transfer energy over long distances deep into the crystal without significantly changing its properties. Acoustic wave propagation in two-dimensional (2D) materials is much less studied than in 3D crystals. Molecular dynamics simulations are used to analyze acoustic dynamics in single-layer phosphorene. We analyze the mechanisms of wave propagation in different crystallographic directions and the effect on the wave properties due to the high lattice anisotropy of phosphorene. As part of the analysis, we study the vibrations of the atoms through which the acoustic wave travels in both inert and moving coordinate systems. This enables us to analyze in detail the wave propagation process and the dynamics of the vibrations of the atoms arising after the wave passes through them. In general, our results contribute to the understanding of the nonlinear dynamics of localized excitations in two-dimensional materials. Keywords: 2D materials, phosphorene, extreme impacts, acoustic waves, molecular dynamics, longitudinal compression.
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