Differences in the sintering mechanisms of α- and γ-Al2O3 nanopowders after addition of Bi2O3
Prilipko S. Yu. 1, Loladze L.V.1, Volkova G. K.1, Bryukhanova I.I.1, Golovan G.N.1, Varyukhin V. N. 1
1Donetsk Institute of Physics and Technology named after. A.A. Galkina, Donetsk, Russia
Email: suprilipko@mail.ru, loladzeftia@mail.ru

In this work, we experimentally studied the sintering of compacts of the composition α-Al2O3 (96 mol.%)+Bi2O3 (4 mol.%) and γ-Al2O3 (96 mol.%)+Bi2O3 (4 mol.%) obtained by cold isostatic pressing at a pressure of 1 GPa. Depending on the type of Al2O3 crystal lattice, a significant difference was found in the nature of sintering and the final composition. A nonmonotonic nature of shrinkage during sintering of α-Al2O3 with Bi2O3 around 1100oC has been established. Keywords: aluminum oxide, bismuth oxide, crystal structure, sintering, cold isostatic pressing.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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