Hydrodynamic heat transfer localization in impinging gas jet
Lemanov V. V.1, Lukashov V. V.1, Sharov K. A.1
1Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Email: lemanov@itp.nsc.ru

The results of an experimental study of heat transfer in an impinging air jet flowing from a long round channel in the range of Reynolds numbers 250-10000 are presented. Data on local heat transfer in the region of the flow stagnation point at large distances to the barrier (h/d = 20) were obtained. It is shown that a more localized heat flow corresponds to a laminar flow in a jet source compared to the case of a turbulent regime in the source. The maximum heat transfer is achieved not for the Poiseuille profile in the channel, but in the case of a transition regime with a small percentage of turbulent vortex structures. Keywords: impinging jet, heat transfer, laminar-turbulent transition, vortex structure.
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