Demonstration of the feasibility of the D/T-mixture selective pumping in fusion reactors using superpermeable membranes
Peredistov E. Yu. 1, Busnyuk A. O. 1, Alimov V. N. 1, Kuzenov S. R. 1, Livshits A. I. 1
1Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, St. Petersburg, Russia

The niobium superpermeable membrane (SPM) in the shape of thin-walled tube with an area of 600 m2 was coupled with incandesced tantalum ribbons purposed for thermal dissociation of H2 molecules. The SPM had resistive heating, which made it possible to carry out its high-temperature treatment. This was used to in-situ sulfidate the SPM input surface through H2S pyrolysis in order to form an effective energy barrier against the recombinative re-emission of absorbed hydrogen atoms and thereby drastically improve the SPM performance. Permeation experiment was carried out in the H2 pressure range relevant to divertor operation ( H2 6· 10-4-1· 10-2 Torr.). A high efficiency of atomic hydrogen utilization was demonstrated: the SPM pumping speed was 480 l/s whereas the speed of H2 molecule dissociation with tantalum ribbons did not exceed 880 l/s. The SPM pumping speed remained as high as 440 l/s when compression ratio reached 400. The permeation flux density achieved ~ 1021H2/(m2· s) at the total SPM throughput of ~ 6· 1019 H2/s. The hydrogen pumped out and pre-compressed by the SPM was eventually compressed to normal pressure directly by the foreline pump without any intermediate steps. Keywords: superpermeable membrane, plasma fusion reactor, D/T-mixture, selective pumping, atomic hydrogen.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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