Electrodynamic analysis and design of bandpass filters on circular waveguides
Lonkina D.V. 1, Zemlyakov V.V. 2, Gubsky D.S. 2, Krutiev S.V. 2, Zargano G.F. 2
1Vitrulux Research Institute Llc, Saint Petersburg, Russiа
2Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Email: lonkina.daria@yandex.ru, vvzem@yandex.ru, ds@sfedu.ru, skrutiev@sfedu.ru, gfzargano@sfedu.ru

The possibility of using a circular waveguide with radial ridges and ring-shaped segments of finite thickness as resonant diaphragms in the synthesis of bandpass cylindrical waveguide filters is shown. The analysis of the electrodynamic parameters dependences on diaphragms geometrical dimensions has been carried out. Filters were synthesized and compared with experimental data. Keywords: band pass filter, circular waveguide, resonant diaphragm with complex cross section.
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