Numerical studies of side slip and propeller on tips high aspect ratio wing effect on the inductive drag
Pavlenko O.V. 1,2, Pigusov E.A. 1,2, Reslan M.G.2, Santhosh А. 2
1Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Prof.N.E.Zhukovsky, Zhukovsky, Russia
2Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia

The results of a numerical study of the influence of the angle are presented. sliding and operation of the propeller at the end of a high aspect ratio wing at circulation and inductive reactance. Numerical studies of the influence of angle slip (side wind) on the aerodynamic characteristics of the model aircraft with an ultra-high aspect ratio wing with working propellers at the wing tips were carried out using a program based on the solution Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations. Numerical studies showed that as the sliding angle increases, circulation decreases and inductive reactance of the wing. Keywords: pulling propeller, high aspect ratio wing, side slip angle, circulation of the wing, inductive drag References.
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