Physical and chemical principles of pulsed microplasma formation of micron-precision oxide coatings
Mamaev A. I. 1, Mamaeva V. A. 1, Bespalova Yu. N 1
1Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia

The main factors influencing the parameters of pulsed microplasma oxidation and the mode of motion of the electrolyte in hydrodynamic boundary layers on the physics and chemistry of microplasma processes in aqueous solutions of electrolytes are determined. As a result of mathematical modeling of microplasma processes, an equation was obtained that relates oxidation parameters, electrolyte characteristics, spatial parameters, thickness of the porous oxide layer and discharge burning duration. The influence of viscosity and mode of motion of the electrolyte on the current-voltage characteristics, reflection spectra and surface structure of coatings is shown. It has been proven that pulsed microplasma oxidation at short voltage pulse durations makes it possible to control the characteristics of the coating and create micron-precise porous structures of a given structure. Keywords: oxide coatings, microplasma oxidation, electrolyte, porous layer, Prandtl layer.
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