Effect of deformation on the parameters of solid-solid phase transitions in polytetrafluoroethylene
Borisov A. K. 1, Egorov V. M. 1, Marikhin V. A. 1, Myasnikova L. P. 1, Tsygankov S. A.2
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2OOO FORMOPLAST, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: Borisov.ak@mail.ioffe.ru, victor_egorov1@inbox.ru, v.marikhin@mail.ioffe.ru, liu2000@mail.ru, formoplast@mail.ru

The influence of hydroextrusion and orientation drawing on the parameters of solid-solid phase transitions in polytetrafluoroethylene has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry. A comparative analysis of the heat capacity peaks based on the theory of diffuse first-order phase transitions showed a significant increase in the period of the macromolecular helix from the nano-level in the original polymer to the micro-level in the oriented one. In the latter, the effect of the formation of a "superhelix" was found. An assumption was made about the mechanism for the supermolecular structure transformation leading to the observed effect. Keywords: phase transition, polytetrafluoroethylene, supermolecular structure, hydroextrusion, orientation drawing, differential scanning calorimetry.
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