Resonance characteristics of microwave photonic crystals with inclusions in the form of conducting nanolayers
Skripal A. V. 1, Ponomarev D. V. 1, Sharonov V. E. 1
1Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia

The resonant characteristics of one-dimensional photonic crystals with the defect of periodicity associated with the effect of microwave radiation resonant tunneling through a conducting nanolayer at frequencies lower than the plasma resonance frequency have been theoretically described and experimentally investigated. The effect of transparency at the defect mode frequency is achieved due to the minimum level of electromagnetic radiation interaction with the conductive nanolayer placed in the electric field strength node of the standing electromagnetic wave inside the defect of the photonic crystal. Keywords: Photonic crystal, nanolayer, resonant tunneling.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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