Effect of the surfactant concentration on the dynamics of bubble cluster rising
Arkhipov V. A.1, Basalaev S. A.1, Usanina A. S.1, Churkin R. A.1
1Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Email: usaninaanna@mail.ru

The results of an experimental study of the stationary velocity of ascent of a spherical cluster of monodispersed air bubbles in glycerin at various concentrations of a surfactant in the range of Reynolds numbers <0.1 are presented. New method for obtaining the cluster of monodispersed bubbles to study the process of ascent of a consolidated system of bubbles is proposed. Keywords: cluster of monodispersed bubbles, surfactant, surfactant concentration, stationary rising velocity, experimental study. DOI: 10.61011/TPL.2023.09.56715.19642
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