Cavitation at the end of an optical fiber during laser heating of water in a narrow slit
Dats E.P.1, Kulik A.V.1, Guzev M.A.1, Chudnovskii V.M.1
1Institute for Applied Mathematics, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia

An experimental study of the process of growth and collapse of a cavitation bubble at the tip of an optical fiber placed between flat solid surfaces (in a slot) has been carried out. The features of the dynamics of cavitation bubbles in this configuration are explained using numerical simulation. It is shown that laser cavitation at the tip of an optical fiber can be used for selective cleaning and sanitation of surfaces in slots and channels. Keywords: lasers, cavitation, numerical simulation. DOI: 10.61011/TPL.2023.08.56694.19607
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