Multicharged metal ions generation in a self-magnetically insulated ion diode
Shamanin V.I.1, Tarbokov V.A.1
1Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia

A self-magnetically insulated ion diode was used to produce a pulsed beam of metallic ions from explosion emission plasma. The ratio of integral transferred charge for the Al, Ti and Mo ions amounted to at least 63% to the total beam charge. The ion diode had design features, which consisted in a bladed cathode and a removable perforated anode overlay made of VT-8 alloy. Analysis of the charge to mass characteristics of beam ions and the ion current density waveforms by the time of flight methodic with use of a Faraday cup showed the content of aluminum and titanium ions in the third to fourth states of ionization. Keywords: ion diode, metal ions, magnetic spectrometer, track detector CR-39.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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