Investigation of the phenomenon of current transition EuGa2S4:Er3+ crystals
Tagiyev O. B.1,2, Kazimova F. A.1, Hadjiyeva G. S.1, Ibragimova T. Sh.1, Asadov E. G.1, Tagiyev K. O.3
1 Institute of Physics of the Ministry of Science and Education, Baku, Azerbaijan
2Baku Branch, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Baku, Azerbaijan
3British Petroleum, Baku, Azerbaijan

The results of studying the static current-voltage characteristics of EuGa2S4:Er3+crystals at room temperature are presented. The mechanism of current passage in them is revealed. The height of the potential barrier at the metal-semiconductor interface (0.9 eV), the relative permittivity of crystals (3.1), and the concentration of traps (N~ 7.14· 1016 cm-3) were calculated, and the shape of the potential well for the electrons trapped in the traps was determined Keywords: current-voltage, metal-semiconductor, crystals, potential barrier,erbium
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