Beryllium sputtering yields by hydrogen isotopes bombardment
Babenko P. Yu.1, Mikhailov V. S. 1, Zinoviev A. N. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Using computer simulation, the sputtering coefficients of a beryllium target upon bombardment with hydrogen isotopes in the particle energy range 8 eV-100 keV and the dependences of the sputtering coefficients on the angle of incidence of the beam are obtained. Obtained results allow to estimate the sputtering of the ITER first wall and the entry of beryllium impurities into the hot plasma zone. Formulas are proposed for estimating the energy sputtering threshold and describing the sputtering coefficient dependence on the angle of incidence of the beam. Keywords: Sputtering yield, interatomic potential, hydrogen isotopes, beryllium.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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