Excitation of exchange spin waves in a two-layer ferrite-ferrite structure
Tikhonov V. V.1, Gubanov V. A.1, Filchenkov I. O.1, Sadovnikov A. V.1
1Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia
Email: tvlad4@yandex.ru

The possibility of intense radiation of short-wave exchange spin waves excited in a thin transition layer at the internal boundary of a bilayer ferrite-ferrite structure is shown. Modelling of radiation processes has been exemplified by a tangentially magnetized bilayer film of ferric-yttrium garnet. It was found that the radiation of exchange spin waves has one-way character. The waves were radiated into the layer with decreased magnetization. Their group velocities were an order of magnitude lower than sound velocity in iron-yttrium garnet. Obtained results may be useful for creation of miniature controllable delay line on exchange spin waves. Keywords: spin waves, ferrite, iron yttrium garnet, delay line.
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