Ultra-wideband chaos generator with selected inertia in the microwave range
Savel’ev S. V. 1, Morozova L. A. 1
1Fryazino Branch, Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Fryazino, Moscow oblast, Russia
Email: mila-morozova.ludmila@yandex.ru

An original scheme for constructing an ultra-wideband single-transistor generator of noise-like oscillations of the microwave range of wavelengths was proposed. The generator contains an inertial converter of the output signal of a nonlinear amplifier with positive feedback, the signal of which modulates the supply voltage of the active element (transistor). An experimental model of a chaotic signal generator based on a powerful domestic transistor 2T982A-2 operating in a small signal mode was created. The frequency band of generated noise oscillations with a power spectrum irregularity of 5 dB occupied the frequency range from 2.3 to 7.4 GHz with an integrated power of 5,mW with an average spectral density of noise oscillations of 10-6 W/MHz. The generator efficiency is 1%. Keywords: powerful bipolar transistor, ultra-wideband spectrum, dynamic chaos, generator with selected inertia.
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