Effect of martensite ageing on the orientation dependence of the B2-phase yield stress and the shape memory effect in Ti-40Ni-10Cu alloy single crystals
Kireeva I. V. 1, Chumlyakov Yu. I. 1, Pobedennaya Z. V. 1, Marchenko E. S. 1
1Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Email: kireeva@spti.tsu.ru, chum@phys.tsu.ru, pobedennaya_zina@mail.ru, marchenko84@vtomske.ru

For the [001]- and [123]-oriented single crystals of the Ti-40Ni-10Cu alloy, it was shown for the first time that martensite ageing at 250 MPa leads to a strong orientation dependence of the B2-phase yield stress under tension, which is weakly manifested in the initial crystals. The maximum increase in the B2-phase yield stress by 350 MPa compared with the initial state was found in the [001]-oriented crystals. At external tensile stresses of 100 MPa, the shape memory effect in [001]-oriented crystals was 4.0± 0.2% in the initial state and increased to 5.0± 0.2% after martensite ageing, while in [123] orientation, on the contrary, it decreased from 8.7± 0.2% to 5.4± 0.2%. Keywords: Single crystals, Martensite ageing, B2-phase, Shape memory effect, Tension.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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