Control of Chaotic Dark Dissipative Envelope Solitons in an Active Ring Resonator Based on a Magnonic Crystal with a Dynamic Defect
Bir A.S. 1, Romanenko D. V. 1, Skorokhodov V. N. 1, Nikitov S. A. 1,2, Grishin S. V. 1
1Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia
2Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Dynamic control of chaotic dark dissipative envelope solitons in a microwave active ring resona tor containing two nonlinear elements: a one-dimensional magnonic crystal (MC) with a dynamic linear defect and a transistor amplifier is performed. Dissipative envelope solitons are formed on a long-wavelength surface magnetostatic wave propagating in the MC and parametrically decaying into short-wavelength spin waves. A constant electric current flowing through a copper conductor creates a dynamic linear defect along the longitudinal axis of the MC and controls the duty factor of the generated parametric pulses only at the MC forbidden frequency. Keywords: dissipative solitons, magnonic crystals, spin waves.
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