Degradation processes in a memristor based on germanium selenide with a self-forming conductive channel
Aleshin A. N. 1, Ruban O. A.1
1 Institute of Ultra High Frequency Semiconductor Electronics of RAS, Moscow, Russia

The effect of temperature on degradation processes in an Ag/SnSe/Ge2Se3/W ionic memristor with a self-forming conductive channel in the temperature range of 22-65oC at a switching frequency of 100 Hz was studied based on determining the electrical conductivity of the memristor in low-resistance and high-resistance modes of operation. It has been established that at elevated temperatures, degradation processes occur faster and affect both the low-resistance and high-resistance modes of operation of the memristor. The degradation activation energy was determined to be 1.16 eV. Keywords: electrical conductivity, solid electrolyte, degradation, conductive channel.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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