Effect of Nitrogen Plasma Treatment on the Structural and Optical Properties of InGaN
Gridchin V. O.1,2,3, Soshnikov I. P.2,3,4, Reznik R. R.1, Komarov S. D.5, Pirogov E. V.2, Lendyashova V. V.1,2,4, Kotlyar K. P.1,2,3, Kryzhanovskaya N. V.5, Cirlin G. E.1,2,3,4
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Alferov Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education and Science Saint Petersburg National Research Academic University of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
3Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
4Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
5High School of Economics, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: gridchinvo@gmail.com

The effect of cooling conditions in the plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy growth on the structural and optical properties of InGaN nanostructures is studied. It is shown that cooling of the samples without nitrogen plasma contributes to the suppression of phase separation in InGaN nanostructures. The integrated intensity of photoluminescence from these nanostructures increased by a factor of 2. Keywords: InGaN, silicon, nanostructures, photoluminescence, structural properties, optical properties, molecular beam epitaxy, nitrogen plasma.
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