Picosecond pulses generation by fiber laser with semiconductor optical amplifier in 1.06 μm spectral range
Gadzhiev I. M.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: idris.intop@mail.ru

Picosecond optical pulses generation in a ring fiber laser with a semiconductor optical amplifier was investigated. Optical spectrum width is minimal at a fundamental resonant repetition frequency of 45 MHz, corresponding to a fiber resonator length of 4.5 m. As the frequency increases, the spectral width increases by an order of magnitude while the pulse duration decreases to 18 ps, and the power increases to 0.5 W. The power of picosecond optical pulses at the output of the semiconductor amplifier is 7 times higher than in the CW mode due to the carrier accumulation effect that occurs with short pump pulses. Keywords: Semiconductor optical amplifier, Fiber ring laser, Gain-Switching.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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