A.V. Smirnov1, A.A. Kholodkova1, I.V. Shishkovsky1
1Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia
Email: smirnoff-andrey2009@yandex.ru
For the first time, the possibility of obtaining samples of BaTiO3 piezoceramics with d33 values between 240-270 pC/N from commercially available powder by vibrational pressing (vibropressing) and semi-dry pressing without the use of expensive methods of doping and/or alloying the initial powder and texturing piezoceramics is shown. The method of vibropressing with a pressure of 10 MPa allows to get similar structure and properties of samples, as well as the method of semi-dry pressing with a pressure of 100 MPa. Keywords: lead-free piezoceramics, barium titanate, piezoelectric properties, vibration pressing, pressing.
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