Calibration of heat flux sensors based on anisotropic thermoelements and heterogeneous metal structures using a reflected shock wave
Popov P. A. 1, Monakhov N. A.1, Lapushkina T. A. 1, Poniaev S.A.1, Kurakin R.O.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The applicability of the calibration method for heat flux sensors based on anisotropic bismuth thermoelements and a heterogeneous copper-nickel structure using a reflected shock wave to determine the volt-watt coefficient is demonstrated. The coefficient obtained for a sensor based on anisotropic thermoelements is close to the stationary calibration data, and for a sensor based on a heterogeneous structure, to the results of numerical simulation. Keywords: heat flux, calibration, shock tube, shock wave, ghfs, hghfs.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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