Optimization of parameters of a compact soft X-ray source for operation in the wavelength range 2-5 nm
Samokhvalov A.A.1,2, Sergushichev K.A.2, Eliseev S.I.2,3, Bronzov T.P.2, Bolshakov E.P.2, Getman D.V.2, Smirnov A.A.2
1ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
2 LLC "Laboratory named after V.A. Burtsev", St. Petersburg, Russia
3St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: samokhvalov.itmo@gmail.com

This paper presents a compact source of soft X-ray radiation for operation in the wavelength range of 2-5 nm with a pulse repetition frequency of more than 500 Hz. The source parameters were optimized to reduce the intensity of ablation of the discharge volume wall and obtain the maximum intensity of the spectral lines of multicharged ions C V - 4 nm and Ar IX - 4.87 nm. The obtained results can be used in the development of a microscope for the tasks of cell transmission microscopy with nanometer resolution. Keywords: High-voltage pulse generator, Capillary plasma, "Water-window" microscopy.
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