Properties of coatings obtained from a mechanically treated boron-containing mixture of powders by cold spray method
Chesnokov A.E. 1, Smirnov A.V. 1, Kosarev V. F. 1, Klinkov S. V. 1, Shikalov V. S. 1
1Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

For composite coatings obtained by cold spraying from powder mixtures of compositions Al + 50 wt.% B and Al + 50 wt.% B4C prepared in a V-shaped mixer and by mechanical processing in a planetary mill, a comparison of effect of these methods for preparing mixtures on the boron (boron carbide) content in the coating was carried out. It is shown that, regardless of the method of preparation, the boron and/or boron carbide contents in the coating have close values, which is confirmed by the results of X-ray phase analysis and visual processing of images of the coating structure. Keywords: cold spray, composite material, high-energy planetary mill, aluminum, boron carbide, X-ray phase analysis.
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