Experimental study of an tunable acoustic phase-shifter
Nevzorov A.A. 1, Perchenko S.V. 1, Stankevich D.A. 1
1Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia
Email: terrapevt@mail.ru, perchenko@volsu.ru, stankevich@volsu.ru

The paper presents the results of a numerical and experimental study of an acoustic phase-shifter based on a chain of rectangular Helmholtz resonators. Phase regulation of the transmitted acoustic wave is made by simultaneously changing the resonators volumes with the stepper motor. As a result of the experiment it was found that the developed acoustic phase-shifter allows to manipulate the wave phase within the range of 0-2π in the frequency range of 2000-2500 Hz. The transmittance factor is not less than 0.7. The phase-shifter can be used as a unit cell of tunable acoustic metasurface. Keywords: acoustics, wave control, phase-shifter, metasurface.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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