Influence of acoustic oscillations on the speed of a cellular hydrogen-air flame in a horizontal channel
Volodin V. V. 1, Golub V. V. 1, Elyanov A. E. 1
1Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

The results of an experimental investigation of the effect of acoustic oscillations with a frequency of 250-7000 Hz and an intensity of 105 dB on the dynamics of the acceleration of a hydrogen-air flame in an open channel are presented. Dependences of the position of the flame front and cell sizes were obtained from shadow photographs at different frequencies of acoustic oscillations. The frequency values when the average flame speed increases up to 3 times are found. Acoustic action with a frequency of 250 Hz leads to a slight decrease in the speed of the flame. Keywords: Hydrogen, duct combustion, acoustic impact, cellular flame.
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