Analysis of the process of aluminium destruction on the surface of silicon during the electrical explosion of the conductor
Koryachko M. V. 1, Skvortsov A. A. 1, Pshonkin D.E. 1, Volodina O. V. 1
1Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia

The work considers the processes of formation of aluminium melt drops, dispersion of aluminium melts and dynamics along the surface of the semiconductor during the electrical explosion of the metal film. It has been shown that in conditions of flow of rectangular high-density current pulses (amplitude jmax=2· 1011 A/m2 and duration up to 2.0 ms), an electrical explosion of a conductor occurs through a test structure based on aluminium film (thickness 5 μm). Dispersion of up to 30% of the mass of the aluminium film is observed. It has been established that the main parameter characterizing the dispersion during the destruction of an aluminium film is the energy of an electrical pulse. The distribution of rounded aluminium particles by size (diameter) has been determined experimentally. It has been found that the largest number of particles in the conditions considered are 1-3 μm in size. Keywords: non-stationary states, heat shock, formation of drops on the surface, non-stationary surface mass transfer.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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