The mechanism of thermal ionization of methenamine on the surface intermetallic compound NaAux
Knatko M.V.1, Lapushkin M.N.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Thermal ionization of methenamine (C6H12N4) on the surface of the NaAux intermetallic compound has been studied. It has been established that the processes of decomposition, desorption and ionization of adsorbed compounds, thermally stimulated on the surface, proceed due to the accumulation of energy at the degrees of freedom of the adsorption complex, including the adsorbed compound and a solid, by the mechanism of monomolecular decomposition reactions. In this case, the decomposition of the adsorption complex is accompanied by the desorption of ions that are not in thermal equilibrium with the solid. The uniformity of the temperature dependences of the ion current and their distribution over two groups allowed us to conclude that ions are desorbed from the surface, which correspond to the decays of individual adsorbed molecules, as well as the decays of dimers formed on the surface. The decay of methenamine molecules during thermal ionization occurs in the same way as their decay in vacuum during electron ionization, which indicates the preservation of the bulk structure of methenamine molecules during adsorption and a significant lifetime of the excited state of compounds on NaAux. Keywords: thermal ionization, methenamine, intermetallic compound, NaAux.
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